Maureen Callanan, PhD
Maureen Callanan, PhD is Professor of Psychology at UC Santa Cruz. Dr. Callanan is a co-PIwith Dr. Melzi in our Ciencia en Relatos Project.
Catherine Haden, PhD
Catherine Haden, PhD is Professor of Psychology at Loyola University. Dr. Haden is a co-PI with Dr. Melzi in our Ciencia en Relatos Project.
Christine McWayne, PhD
Christine McWayne, PhD is Professor of Child Study and Human Development at Tufts University. She is co-PI with Dr. Melzi in the Latine Family Involvement Project.
David Purpura, PhD
David Purpura, PhD is Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Studies at Purdue University. He is PI on Our Mathematical World Project.
Adina Schick, PhD
Adina Schick, PhD is Clinical Assistant Professor of Applied Psychology at NYU. She is co-PI with Dr. Melzi on the R-SUCCESS project that investigates the effectiveness of an oral storytelling program in preschool classrooms to support early literacy development of children from low-income culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
Caroline Hornburg, PhD
Caroline Hornburg, Ph.D. is Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Science at Virginia Tech She is PI on Our Mathematical World Project.
DREME Network was created in 2014 to advance the field of early mathematics research and improve young children’s opportunities to develop math skills. The Network focuses on math from birth through age eight years, with an emphasis on the preschool years. Network members and affiliates collaborate to conduct basic and applied research and develop innovative tools that address high-priority early math topics and inform and motivate other researchers, educators, policymakers and the public.
Margaret Caspe, PhD
Margaret Caspe is a researcher, writer, and teacher focusing on how partnerships among families, schools, and communities influence children’s development in a variety of areas, including language and literacy, and bilingualism, as well as science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). As a consultant to and advisory member of various national collaboratives, including the Family Math Roadmap Project, she provides insights on the intersection of research, practice, and policy to promote innovative family engagement strategies. Her work has appeared in journals such as Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Public Library Quarterly, School Community Journal, Childhood Education, and Young Children and she is co-editor of Promising Practices for Engaging Families in STEM Learning.
Smirla Ramos Montañez, PhD
Smirla Ramos Montañez, PhD is a Family STEM Learning Researcher at TERC (Technical Education Research Centers), an independent research-based non-profit organization. She is co-PI with Dr. Melzi in our Viviendo Matemáticas Project.
Scott Pattison, PhD
Scott Pattison, PhD is a Research Scientist at TERC (Technical Education Research Centers), an independent research-based non-profit organization. He is co-PI with Dr. Melzi in our Viviendo Matemáticas Project.
Beatriz Quintos, PhD
Beatriz Quintos, PhD is Associate Clincal Professor at University of Arizona. She is co-PI with Dr. Melzi in our Viviendo Matemáticas Project.